HandyZIP: the leading ZIP compression utility for Pocket PC, HPC and Windows CE devices.

  Flash Format
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Pocket PC Magazine Awards

Verify, Repair, Format and AutoRun your Memory Cards with Flash Format!
Get your full license of Flash Format for only $12.95

Online delivery of Flash Format licenses and related Product Keys is available for credit card orders placed via the Internet using a secure connection.

Please select the appropriate version of Flash Format for your specific class of device.

Windows Mobile / Pocket PC and HPC

Flash Format for Windows Mobile / Pocket PC For all devices supporting stylus and touchscreen operation, including: Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PCs, Pocket PC 2003/SE, Pocket PC 2002, Pocket PC, Pocket PC Phone Edition, and Handheld PC devices running Windows CE 2.11 or greater.


Windows Mobile / Smartphone

Flash Format for Windows Mobile / Smartphone For devices with no stylus and touchscreen support, such as Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphones, Smartphone 2003/SE, and Smartphone 2002. Landscape screen devices, such as the Motorola Q and the Samsung Blackjack are also supported.

Buy It! Buy It!

    Orders placed via our web site are processed in real time, so you will immediately receive a product key to unlock the software during installation.
    Upgrade now!

  • Registered users of Flash Format 2.xx can upgrade to version 2.68 for FREE. Simply download the latest version and install it using your Personal Product Key.

  • Feedback

    If you have any question or issue related to ordering Flash Format please don't hesitate to contact our Order Department.
    Verify, Repair, Format and AutoRun your MicroDrives, Compact Flash, SD and Mini SD storage cards.